martes, 23 de junio de 2009

In Sunbawa

Hello everyone!!

This time I will write in english so everyone or at least lots of you can understand me. Last saturday I flew from Bali to Sunbawa, it is only an hour flight ,actually not even, just 45 min. BAli -Bima and then 3 hours of car to Lackey PEak!!! Amazing place!! The surrounding are crazy and the waves are really good too. Less crowds which is the best of all!! I can catch more waves and practice more!!! I saw a snake today on my way to the surf, which is a 15min walk from my room!! The locals are super friendly and they are always up for a lough!! Yesterday I went to play football to a local football pitch, well field ,pitch,hehehehe there was some grass, cow shit and spines, I was playing with noting on my feet so it was quite challenging!!! 4 brazilian me and a fe w local against other locals!! WE won!! and I scored one of the goals!!!hahahaha!! But i am crap!!hehehe!! Well I just did 4 days here so far and surfed every day!! Apart from that no more, well other few things but to long to write right now and this internet place is exensive, its the only one here!!! Well take it easy my friends!!

I will keep wirting !! And wirte comments!!!

3 comentarios:

  1. Quiero fotos!!!

    emen olatuak nekez!baina tira, ea laster hasten dian sartzen. Putada urrengo astean hasten gerala kursilloekin...eta debora be nekez edukiko degu olatutarako baina iritsiko dira tarte hobiak!!zu ondo ezta...zelako kabroi!!

    asko disfrutau eta kontuz sugeekin!!

    PD:ostiralian azken azterketa (karrera amaitua!!)

  2. Beniiiiiiiii!!!!!!!
    Ikusten det erregien pare zaudela, eh? Sumbawa, Maite hor egon zan denbora gehiena eta nik ere asmo hori dakat. Laister ez, oso laister bertan ikusiko gera eta azkenaldian lan pilua eta surf gutxi asi k, olatu gogo haundixekin nua. Liburutxo bat eta eguzki pixkat ere hondartza guapo batian etzanda. Posible da? jeje!!! eskaera inda dao, hara iristen naizenian prest eukiko det ezta? jejeje
    see you next week

  3. Beññññññat!!!! q tal esta yendo todo?? espero que sigas cogiendo millones de olas y disfrutando del buen tiempo. En Londres demasiado calor, sin poder dormir a las noches.

    Espero verte soon soon soon!

