domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009


Hementxe jarri dizkizuet Baliren mapa bat, nondik nabilen jakiteko!! Printzipioz Kutatik hegoalderuntz kokatuta ibiliko naiz!! Bingin, Padang eta Ulus aldean!! Iada Baliri Euskal Herriaren antza hartuko zenioten,ez?? Bueno ba Nafarroan ibiliko naiz batez ere!!jejeje

surf surfing map

Swell-ak egokiak direnean Lombok eta Sunbawa aldera jo nahiko nuke, oraindik ez dakit nola baina lagun batzuk egazkinez egiteko esan didate, barkoan oso bidai luzea da eta!! baina bueno ikusiko dugu!!
surf surfing map

surf surfing map

Asteartean Londres aldera noa, bertan gaba bat pasa eta asteazkenean London Heatrow aeroportutik Malaysia-ra eta Malaysiatik Balira. Ostegunerarte aeroportuan igoroko dut bidai osoa!! Wish me good luck!!

Well to everyone that does not understand a word of Basque, I am just saying that I am off to Bali this coming Tuesday and well I will be in Bali and then I will head off to Lombok and Sunbawa if the swell is consistent enough! Bali looks like the BAsque Country map so I think that I will be feeling like at home, instead of drinking San Miguel I will dring Bintang and I willbe surfing better waves in warmer water, but thats about it!!

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